China Will Build a Nuclear Power Plant in WPS

Fluid action China over disputed islands in the West Philippine Sea or the South China Sea where ultimately the planned construction of a nuclear power maritime platforms.

In the report of the Global Times, said the nuclear power platforms can sail far away and provide electricity supply.

Said Liu Zhengguo, head of the general office of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corp., which regulates its plans said.

The development of nuclear power platforms is a burgeoning trend. The exact number of plants to be built by the company depends on the market demand,”

he said.

It is said that in the year 2018 after the scheduled demonstrations of the platform and a year later it is available to provide power supply to the lighthouses, search and rescue equipment, defense facilities, airports and harbors in the WPS.

Meanwhile, on the part of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), said it still determining such reports.

“We have to first verify this report,”

the text message Joseph Abante.

Despite sending military aircraft to China WPS, stood the Department of National Defense (DND) is still resolve any dispute teritorial diplomatic and peaceful means.

According to Defense spokesperson Peter Paul Galvez, the Philippines will not make any more steps of a strip tensions in the disputed territory.

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